Be a storyteller in 30 minutes

This week’s blog is in celebration of short stories, which is just as well as it is National Short Story Week. How many of us regularly write? Those of us who are teachers constantly exhort our pupils to take up that challenge, but do we ourselves? Our guest blogger is professional writer Louise Etheridge, who shares her tips and tricks to help get us into writing.

We all love reading stories because, at heart, we’re all storytellers. It’s what humans are for. We all have stories bursting to pop out of our imaginations just when we least expect it, whether we know it or not. But not many of us actually sit down and write stories because we think writing stories is what other, cleverer, writey people do. I write stories and am not cleverer or writey so I think you should have a crack at writing stories, too, because you’ll enjoy it, you’ll find out a lot about yourself and, most importantly, you will adorn the world with sparkling, unique stories. Continue reading