Read all about it!

Here at #PrimaryEnglishHQ we frequently remind our teacher colleagues that writing from experience is one of the best ways to inspire children’s writing. In celebration of the impact that providing children with brilliant experiences can have on their work we’ve shared a link to one of our schools below.

Their topic was journalistic writing and their experience was to visit our local radio station, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire. We loved listening to their audio files and reading their work but for us the most brilliant part of their blog is all their comments where they show the depth of their learning and reflect on the impact of their trip. A real pleasure to read and proof of the power of real life experiences for impacting on children’s learning.

St John’s CE blog

Do let us (and them) know what you think of their experience.

5 thoughts on “Read all about it!

  1. What an absolutely fantastic opportunity for everyone. The work the children have produced looks wonderful. They have obviously grasped the idea and run with it. I wish my daughter could get involved in things like this, right up her street.

  2. Pingback: Weekly Update 30th November « Head at St John's C of E Primary School

  3. Pingback: That was the year that was… | lovetoreadtomyclass

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